About the International Womens Club of Leipzig
Our primary aim is to promote international friendship and provide a welcoming platform for English-speaking women arriving in Leipzig, whether for private or professional reasons. We support and encourage networking amongst our members as well as offering opportunities for cultural exchange through our diverse program of activities.

Coffee and Chaos is our monthly members meeting and speakers series, usually held on the second Friday of each month from 9:30 am – noon. At C&C we listen to interesting guest speakers, engage in conversations, and connect with fellow members. The doors open at 9:30. During this time members check in, get their name tag, get a drink- coffee, water- chat with fellow members and finally find a seat. At 10:00 we start our meeting. First, we welcome everyone and allow guests to introduce themselves. Then, our guest speaker is introduced and they share with us valuable knowledge about their field of expertise. This usually lasts 40 minutes with a 20 minute Q and A. At 11:00, we thank the speaker and take a 15 minute break. Then the member meeting portion of C&C begins. Here we talk about upcoming events, sign up for monthly activities, and catch up with one another. It is the best place to meet us and learn about our club. Come join us at our next Coffee and Chaos!
From: 9:30 am – 12 pm Where: Location changes
13th September 2024, Where: Schrödterhaus Lounge, Neumarkt 31, 04109 Leipzig
11th October 2024, Where: Kulturhof Gohlis, Eisenacher Str. 72, 04155 Leipzig
8th November 2024, Where: Kulturhof Gohlis, Eisenacher Str. 72, 04155 Leipzig “Members Only”
6th December 2024, Holiday Bazaar at Blauer Salon, KING ALBERT HAUS, Markt 9, 04109 Leipzig “Members Only”
14th February 2025, Where: Kulturhof Gohlis, Eisenacher Str. 72, 04155 Leipzig
14th March 2025, Where: European Foundation of the Rahn-Dittrich-Group for Education and Culture, Markt 10, 04109 Leipzig
11th April 2025, Where: Kulturhof Gohlis, Eisenacher Str. 72, 04155 Leipzig
9th May 2025, Where: European Foundation of the Rahn-Dittrich-Group for Education and Culture, Markt 10, 04109 Leipzig
Upcoming Events
English Conversation 1 and 2
English Conversation 1 and 2
Meet and Mingle in Schleußig
Meet and Mingle in Schleußig
English Conversation 4
English Conversation 4
German Book Club
German Book Club
By supporting local charities we foster and strengthen our bond with the city of Leipzig. The charities we support are the Women’s Shelter for Homeless Women (Übernachtungshaus für wohnungslose Frauen), and the Women’s shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence (Frauenhaus), Teekeller Quelle, and UNIKATUM children’s museum. Our involvement with the local community is invaluable in underpinning our sense of belonging.
Our club also raised funds for the Awesome Blossom project. More information about this is found here.

The easiest way to join us is to come to Coffee and Chaos– our monthly meeting or one of the evening Meet and Mingle events. Newcomers are welcome to participate in two IWCL events before deciding to become an official member, so scour the calendar and join an activity!
If you know this club is for you, the membership form can be found here. Follow the link and fill out the form. If you would like more information about the club, then send an email here. Please write in the subject line IWCL New Member. Someone from our membership team will get back to you within one week!
Club Year: 1 September – 31 August
Annual Membership Fee: 65€ information for paying dues can be found here.